42 years in the profession to back us up

If you can
dream it,
we can
make it.
Don’t worry
about the scale
of your project,
we will adapt to it.
Take your pick in services
Sourcing of components and other stages of the industrialization process for your project so that you don’t have to worry about anything.
Your team is our team
We work alongside our
clients’ technical and
design teams.
Turnkey services
We offer complete
electronic prototypes,
including packaging
and distribution.
In this project, TAIA has produced all of the electronic circuitry for both parts of the product.

In this way, the client at the end of the process doesn’t have to worry about searching for all for the parts of the product.

- Digitalización del sector agrícola
- Digitalización de servicios farmacéuticos
- Eficiencia de recursos energéticos
- Seguridad contra incendios
- Seguridad ferroviaria
- Pequeños electrodomésticos
- Digitalizacion of the agricultural sector
- Digitalizacion of the pharmaceutical sector
- Efficiency in energy sources
- Fire security
- Rail security
- Small domestic appliances
We’ve also worked with:

Get in touch
Obtain information
without any obligation
Where to find us:
14, Filá Navarros Street
03801, Alcoy (Alicante)
Phone: 965 363 530
E-mail: info@taia.es
Estamos en:
C/Filá Navarros 14
03801, Alcoy (Alicante)
Tel. 956 363 530
E-mail: info@taia.es